It occured to me that it would be nice for the The Cabinet to have a "patron saint" and honourary first member. It further occured to me that our first Prime Minister, Sir John A Macdonald would be the ideal candidate.
Born in Scotland, a notorious whisky fiend, a witty and companionable gentleman and the formidable leader of an actual "Cabinet"... And did I mention his prodiguous whisky intake? A portrait of Sir John A will be hung in our chambres and we will mark his birthday, January 10th or 11th (nobody knows or much cares - how marvelously Canadian) annually with our first meeting of the year.
Macdonald? That villain? That pictish hell-hound? No gentleman he! Certainly no patron-saint! The Scots, and Canada, bear no darker blight! Fie and no! He'll hang in our chambers, all right!